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美國鳥牌43 通過式功率計
美國鳥牌43 通過式功率計
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美國鳥牌43 通過式功率計 450KHZ-2.7GHZ 100MVW-10KW功率頭另配

美國鳥牌43 通過式功率計產(chǎn)品概述:
  • 43, General Purpose Wattmeter - The Industry Standard
    A field-proven portable, insertion-type instrument designed to measure both forward and reflected CW power in coaxial transmission lines under any load condition. With a full-scale accuracy of ± 5%, it accuray measures RF power with low added VSWR and insertion loss. QC (quick change) type connectors and a full range of plug-in elements provide a wide choice of frequency ranges and power levels giving the Model 43 amazing flexibility. Two extra elements can be stored in the housing, one on each side. The Model 43 is easy to use and simple to service in the field.
  • Accurate CW field power measurement over 450 kHz to 2.7 GHz and 100 mW to 10 KW.
  • Uses industry standard Bird elements with space to store 2 additional within the meter housing
  • Rugged metal housing for the most demanding environments
  • Quick Change (QC) connectors to minimize the need for adaptors when making critical measurements
  • Item No


    Item Name

    General Purpose Wattmeter

    Power Range

    100 mW to 10 kW (using Bird® Plug-in Elements)

    Frequency Range

    450 kHz - 2.7 GHz (depending on element)

    Insertion VSWR

    1.05 max. to 1000 MHz (with N Connectors)


    ± 5% of full scale


    QC Type (Female N normally supplied)


    Light Gray Powder Coat


    (H x W x D)
    6-7/8" x 5-1/8" x 3-5/8"
    175 x 130 x 92 mm


    3 lbs. (1.4 kg)


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